Next generation modding platform for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII ( with native Steam 2013 release support! )
Project URL: https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx
Support: https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx#support
How-to Install: https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx ... To_Install
What is FFNx?
FFNx was born from the ashes of Aali driver, with an intention to refresh the Rendering engine and the possibility to extend modding capabilities to original Steam copies without the need of a Game Converter. Today FFNx not only can offer that also much more. Feel free to explore the official documentation at https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx/wiki
Thank you!
There's a HUGE list of people to be grateful to for their amazing work. Starting from Aali who made this possible, without his code release FFNx would have never been a reality, but also to A LOT of other people here on Qhimm. Feel free to checkout this list: https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx#credits
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!